lunedì 11 agosto 2014

Welcome To NoProShooter

   welcome to NoProShooter! This is intented to be a survival guide to consumer and semipro shooters out there, main goal is to master the art of film-making with the modern cameras, such like DSLR, Mirrorless and so on.
Let me introduce myself.
I'm Mattia Merli, from Italy, a 37 old shooter with the passion for motorsport, but I started as a wedding filmmaker. After a little Sony consumer camera (HC14) I switched to a Canon HV30 (good old days of 35mm adapters...), to Sony Nex VG10, 5N and now a FS700.
This is my first blogpost, NoProShooter wants to help you (as much as I can, of course) to better learn the use of this cameras from the field to post-production. I'm on Windows actually, and I edit with Premiere.

Stay in contact for future updates!

One of my first videos with a 35mm adapter, a Canon HV30 plus a 50mm Yashica 1.4 (lens that I use still today).

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