venerdì 12 settembre 2014

IBC 2014

   I know that the king of the show will be the new Sony FS7 (more here: CINEMA 5D) and althought Sony declared it will not be in competition with the FS700 is far more of that (is in the same price league with better ergonomics, codec, resolution, EVF, continuosly 1080p at 180fps) is almost better than the mooore expensive F5! BUT once that I came accross the footage of the AJA CION I was blowed away AND IS STRAIGHT FROM THE CAMERA! No grading in post! The AJA CION will be little pricer compared to the F7S with no slomo (60p is not slomo...) but the cinematic feeling of the images that produces has no price!
AJA released the footage and here is an article of Cinema 5D.
Meanwhile I took the liberty to quick grading it and IMHO the results are even better: here you can find the footage graded.

See you next time!

venerdì 5 settembre 2014

Random Shots Vol.1

Had a spare afternoon so I decided to go in the beautiful city of Piacenza to take some shots of the tipical "passeggiata". Lens used were the Leica Summicron M 90mm plus the Vid-Atlantic Anamorph Filter, the Dog Shidt Optiks FF58 and the Sony SEL16F28 plus the Wide Angle Adapter.
Very very very different lenses but at the end I think that they can work well together. The Leica becomes a 135mm on the FS700 plus the Anamorph filter it is really a cinema-like lens! The FF58 is perfect for portraits and for it's bokhen effect meanwhile the Sony Sel16f28 is perfect for establishment shots but you have to set it at f8, wider is not sharp and for reduce the "video" image that this lens give it is useful to reduce the contrast in post (at least a 20% in PremierePro).
When you start shooting slowmo you cannot stop doing it! It's additive! Everything looks cooler in slomotion but it's ok when you capture detalis, so you have to use tele lens!
And here it is:
Grading was done with the presets of ImpulZ, I think that return you the perfect illusion to watch a film instead of a digital camera.

During the shots I didn't notice the highlights burns of the lanternpost at 1:01, I'm pretty sure that is due to the AVCHD compression, in the future I hope to afford a Odyssey7Q and record it in ProRes!

See you on the next post!

lunedì 1 settembre 2014

The First Round Of Drift Stars - My First TV Show

Quickpost: the long edit version of the Drift Stars Round 1, this time client needed a very long (at least 24 minutes) version to be broadcasted here in Italy. I went up 26 minutes long. The hardest part were the subtitles (more than 125...) to make it more suitable for international viewers!
Enjoy it!
Filmed with Sony Fs700, Hero2 and Sony Nex 5N